Men’s Limitless Programme

with Ash Phillips

Wednesday 15th May 6:30pm - 8pm

With the success, and further demand after our first event … our Men’s Limitless Programme is back! 

What makes a good life? And what does being ‘LIMITLESS’ actually mean? 

Here at Love Live Light, we believe that the most meaningful way that we can find fulfilment, is to give back and contribute to helping others. 

But in order to do that, we must first be able to navigate the struggles in our own life. Guess what - being a man is tough. How many of you feel lost/stuck, lonely, unable to be seen or heard, successful without fulfilment, anxious or even just overwhelmed with your current situation? Chances are you are not alone. 

As it turns out… men are usually lacking two HUGE things:

  1. Meaningful Connection

  2. Effective communication

And we don’t make it easy for ourselves either. As all men know, expressing your vulnerabilities and being your authentic self is a sign of weakness!? WRONG - it actually takes a lot of strength and courage to do this (we could learn a thing or two from our female counterparts here).

Ask yourself - are you where you want to be?

This 90 minute Coaching Workshop will create a safe space, where everyone will be given unconditional positive regard (no judgement) and a place to feel seen and heard, build trust and connection.

The session is focused on:

  1. Creating a community of like minded men

  2. Finding Direction, Purpose & Fulfilment - discover your passions, values and your WHY, that you can carry forward in life and business

  3. Identifying the limiting beliefs standing in the way of your progress and happiness

  4. Learning the power of active listening in order to effectively communicate with romantic partners, family & friends and work colleagues for more fulfilling relationships

You need to have a compelling future in order to inspire change.

Come along… and take a step towards LIMITLESS!

Limited Spaces


Conscious Connected Breathwork

with Rhys Thomas

Thursday 16th MAY 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Come and experience the healing and deeply transformative potential of conscious connected breathwork. 

Come join ex Welsh international turned breathwork practitioner in a 90 minute journey of the breath. 

By consciously connecting our inhale to our exhale, and being fully present with the breath we open a portal to stillness, healing and connection.  

Each month Rhys will focus on a different topic and offer you to set a new intention.

What can Breathwork offer you?

* Remove emotion blockages  

* Reduce stress 

* Improved mood 

* Increase self awareness 

* Access altered states of consciousness 

* Transcendental experiences 

Limited Spaces


Sound Journey

with Sonatorium

Wednesday 8th May 6:30pm - 8pm

Join us for some restorative vibes. A sound journey is sound crafted meditative experience. Lie down and drift, daydream, meditate or snooze to carefully played acoustic instruments. Intense sounds such as thunderous gongs, and gentle sounds such as a harp. The gong’s immersive quality, together with the waves washing over the body are often referred to as a “Gong Bath”.

You will also enjoy a welcome drink of our dreamy Tranquil Tonic Conscious Cooler to help induce your dream state.

Limited Spaces


If the date for your chosen event is not showing up, it is already fully booked.

Click the button below to add yourself to the waitlist and we will contact you if a space arises. Thank you.